Lisa these are incredible. The second one feels like Neruda.

Have you ever done a collection? I wish I had more of a poetic inclination. I guess I generally try and do prose, if that makes sense.

It's hard to rewire my brain from academic writing... Slow, painful, progress. One bite at a time.

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No, I've never done a collection. I figure if I post enough here it might warrant a chapbook, but I've never had anything published singly let alone a bunch.

I'm extremely flattered by your compliment. I actually haven't read any Neruda, I suppose I should, eh? Anything to recommend?

One bite at a time is the best way to do it. The journey of a thousand miles or whatever. I wish I had advice for you, as far as getting that brain-switch for academic vs non, but alas, I'm a dropout. (Twice!) I think you're on the right track though. One bite at a time. You can do it!

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I'm actually working through this book right now so it was pretty top of mind... Recommend you pick it up then we can compare notes. :) https://www.amazon.ca/Poetry-Pablo-Neruda/dp/0374529604?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=b0ecfe3e-db22-4dec-92e7-5d0df7810ae0

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Whew! 1000 pages of poems, that's certainly prolific. I'm currently reading "Essential Bukowski" and that clocks in at 240 pages. Anyway, it's added to my list for when I'm not broke haha

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