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Welcome to Mechanical Pulp! I'm Lisa Kuznak. This is where I post my poetry, short fiction, updates to my novels, and thoughts. Most of my writing is fantasy and science fiction oriented, but not always. I also occasionally post some photography.

My novels:

And my serial Pull Me Under, completed and assembled as an ebook for easy reading!

Subscribing keeps you in the loop with all my upcoming novels and their release dates, calls for ARC readers, and all that good stuff. Plus, you get to read my short stories, poetry, and all the rest! Stay tuned, more to come!

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Check out this post for an interview I did with DMR Books!

Subscribe to Mechanical Pulp

Fiction, poetry, thoughts. Posts when the dopamine hits. Your mileage may vary, or your money back.


Enjoyer of fiction, the craft and the reading.