Well, folks! The day has arrived! My darkly comedic, character-driven literary fantasy The Highwayman Kennedy Thornwick is out in the wild!
I’m so excited to share this book with you all.
Amazon.ca: [paperback] [ebook]
Amazon.com: [paperback] [ebook]
(And you can adjust the Amazon URL to whatever region you need!)
Kobo (ebook only.)
Need to know more about it? Here’s a sample chapter:
Need reviews? Check out the Goodreads page, and
's review:Don't forget to tell everyone all about it! Readers give validity to a book. Word of mouth is VITAL for indies—all books, really! Anywhere you talk about them: forums, discord, your social media of choice, at coffee with friends, by carrier pigeon, amateur radio, the list goes on!
Thank you so much to everyone who pre-ordered the ebook! And thank you to everyone who has ever given a like or share or comment—my readers keep me going!
Of course, let’s not forget about Pallas and Pull Me Under, and my recent interview with
:That’s it for today!
I really enjoyed this one, thank you, Lisa!
I’ve got it on my Kindle!